More uptime to collect leaves
In the City of Tallmadge, OH, the leaf collection crew recently made the switch from mechanical clutches to the Logan Self-Adjusting Bell Housing PTO Clutches. Ben Newman of the City of Tallmadge Maintenance Department says, “Before, with the mechanical clutch, we’d have to adjust the clutch daily and the fingers would break from the shock load of heavy leaves.” Newman continues, “With the leaf season being so short, we just can’t afford the (mechanical clutch) downtime.”
More torque to vacuum wet leaves, grass and snow
Since making the switch, the department has experienced the reliability of Logan clutches. As an added benefit, the higher torque of the Logan clutch over the mechanical clutch has yielded better performance. According to Newman, “The crew likes the Logan PTO clutch since it has more torque than the mechanical we replaced. Now the blower just drives right through wet grass, frozen leaves and debris with no problem.” Happy with the performance, Newman concludes, “We plan on adding more Logan PTOs to our fleet of ODB (Old Dominion Brush) Debris Collection Machines.”