Clutches for Water Jetting Equipment
Logan offers a variety of clutch and brake solutions for Waterjet Blasting Equipment, Hydro Excavation Equipment, Vacuum Trucks, and Water Recycling Equipment.
Clutches are designed in a series; are hydraulically or pneumatically actuated, and can operate in a wet (oil) or dry environment. Modified standards can be engineered to meet specific customer and application design requirements which are outside of our standard catalog offering (Torque, RPM, Horsepower, or Envelope).

Manufactured in the U.S.A
Logan is an OEM Manufacturer. Products are manufactured and assembled in the U.S.A. Logan Sales, Engineering and Manufacturing Service Personnel are available to answer questions regarding catalog specs, parts and service Details, and inquiries regarding your specific design requirements. Global Parts and Service are available 24/7 through Logan and our Dealer / Distributor Network.
Water Blasting / Water Jetting Products

Bell Housing PTO

SAE Direct Drive PTO

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Let our team of Sales Engineers work side-by-side with you to identify the correct product or service that best suits your application.