Logan 600 Series Front of Engine Power Take-off (PTO) clutches supply on demand connect/disconnect power from John Deere 4045 engines to Kawasaki hydraulic pumps which run deck winches for towing/shiphandling
On-demand power
The 64’9” (19.7m), 2000 hp (1491kW) North Arm Tempest built by North Vancouver-based ABD Boats is North Arm Transportation’s most powerful tug yet. Twin Cummins KTA-38 main engines provide propulsion through VZ-900 azimuthing drives from Veth Propulsion, a Twin Disc brand. These drives allow for free-running speeds of about 10.5 knots and towing speeds of about 8 knots. Auxiliary power is provided by twin John Deere 4045TFM85 74kW gensets supplied by Frontier Power of Delta, BC. Two SPF-600 series Logan Front of Engine Power Take-off (PTO) clutches provide on-demand connect/disconnect power from the front of John Deere 4045TFM85 engines to Kawasaki pumps that power the hydraulic systems. The winches running off this hydraulic system were built by Burrard Iron Works.
Lower fuel consumption and emissions, less wear and tear, and easier maintenance
Logan SPF-600 series clutches are actuated either pneumatically or hydraulically, transmitting up to 985 lb. ft. of torque. Logan Front Mount Brackets support the clutches. The clutches provide reliable power to the hydraulic system so that the North Arm Tempest can meet the demands of towing barges on the coast of British Columbia, including between Centerm in Vancouver and Duke Point in Nanaimo, and on the more demanding North Coast run near Prince Rupert, BC. Additionally, the Logan SPF-600 series clutches allow power to the hydraulic system to be disconnected when not in use, reducing demands on the genset and thus reducing fuel consumption and harmful emissions like CO2. Further, disconnecting the hydraulic system reduces wear and tear on the hydraulic system and reduces the noise of the hydraulic pumps, increasing crew comfort. The ability to disconnect the hydraulic system also allows troubleshooting of hydraulics issues without the need to shut off the gensets, maintaining the electrical supply.