Damen Shipyards has turned to Logan Clutch to provide connect-disconnect power from twin Volvo D13-500 diesel engines to engage fire-fighting pumps on the City of Amsterdam’s Jan van der Heyde IV fire-fighting boat.
The 58 ft. / 17.6-meter Jan van der Heyde IV Fireboat is powered by Twin Volvo D13-500 hp / 386 kW Marine Diesel engines with No. 3 flywheels and has a maximum speed of 15km per hour / 8 knots. The vessel is equipped with two dedicated water pumps, driven by two Logan hydraulically actuated LC-211 PTO clutches, providing a maximum torque transfer of 963 lb. ft. (1305Nm) @ 200 psi (13,8 bar), giving the vessel 443,000 gallons / 1,680 cubic meters per hour of water pumping capacity.
Tim Vlaar, Head of Engineering for C-Job Naval Architects, who designed the vessel along with Damen Shipyards, says, “Its main role is to supply the fire trucks on the road with an ample flow of water.” As well as the ability to provide large quantities of water to teams working on land, the vessel is also equipped to fight multiple types of fires from the water. “The boat does have its own fire monitors, which will certainly be used for fighting fires on ships or near the water,” continues Vlaar. The heavy-duty Logan Bell-Housing PTO Clutch provides the necessary on-demand power to meet these requirements.