Spindle Drive Clutch
Increase Tool Feed Rates In Multiple Speeds
Tired of repairing and replacing electromagnetic spindle drive clutches and clutch coils in your Ultramatic Logan has the answer. Logan has developed a simple 4-Speed Spindle Drive Retrokit package which increases tool feed rates in multiple speeds and reduces idle time between speed changes on your No. 2 and No. 3 Ultras.
Consistent, Accurate, Reliable Productivity
It’s simple - Air actuated Logan clutches can cycle more efficiently and effectively than the old style electromagnetic clutches - giving you consistent, accurate, reliable productivity. Old-style electromagnetic clutches are renowned for creating residual DC magnetism, which hampers electromagnetic clutch engagement and disengagement - creating unwanted machine idle time, downtime and maintenance headaches.
Run more aggressive cycle times!
Mr. Dewey Lambert of United Mfg., Washington State: “I’ve been using Logan Clutches in my Ultramatics for three years. They haven’t missed a beat. I can reliably change the spindle speeds and run more aggressive cycle times–without the hassle, downtime, and expense that I encountered with the old-style electromagnetic base clutches. Each time a magnetic clutch fails–I replace the set with Logan Clutches!”
Each Logan Spindle Drive Retrokit is furnished complete with Clutches, Drive Cups, Sprockets, an Electrical-Pneumatic Start-up Kit, and Detailed Schematics
Consistent, Reliable Productivity
- Effectively Increase Tool Feed Rates in Multiple Speeds
- Reduce Idle Time Between Speed Changes
- Eliminates DC Circuit for Base Clutches
- Cycle Spindle Speeds More Aggressively Without Damaging the Base Clutch
- Reduces the need to use left-handed tooling by preserving the four-speed option
Reduce Maintenance Costs
Eliminates Magnetic Attraction of Foreign Particles to Disc Pack and Bearings.
- Crisp, Positive Clutch Engagement–No Slippage
- Factory or Field Retrofitted
Convenient to Maintain
- Logan Clutches are Self-AdjustingTM. Piston travel increases automatically to accommodate disc wear.
- Logan Clutches are Air Actuated and cycle more efficiently and effectively than the electromagnetic DC clutches.
- At Logan Clutch, service time, Disc Packs, Bearing Kits and Seal Kits, along with factory installation data sheets simplify maintenance.
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