Bell Housing PTO Snow Blowers
Heavy Duty Snow Blowers
Airport Snow Blowers
Clearing airport runways is a top priority during winter storms. This heavy-duty snow blower (pictured right), powered by a CAT C-18 Engine, and a Logan LC-314 Bell Housing PTO as part of the blower system – can cast 5,000 tons (4.535e6 Kg.) of snow per hour, over 200 ft. (60.96 meters). That’s approximately 1.4 tons (1,270 kg) per second.

Commercial Snow Blowers
This Airport 700 HP Snow Blower, pictured below, is equipped with a Logan LC-318 Bell Housing PTO and is capable of clearing a 120" wide path of snow, moving 6000 tons of snow per hour

Municipal and Highway Loader Mount Snow Blowers
Close-up view of a typical single or two-stage Loader Mounted Snow Blower, which uses a Logan Bell PTO for the Direct drive. Since Logan Clutch engagement is smooth and positive, minimal break-in periods are required, enabling maximum torque transfer required to move heavy, wet snow up to a 175 ft. / 53 meter casting distance.

Two-Stage 3-Ribbon Snow Blower, which typically uses either a CAT C13 (415HP) or Cummins QSL-9 (350HP) style engine connected to a Logan LC-311B ell Housing PTO enables up to 112 1D (2484.48 cm) cutting widths.

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