MAN i6-800 Diesel: Power in Every Mile
Logan Front of Engine PTO Clutches – On Demand Power for Hydraulic Pumps, Winches, Reels and Hoists

Logan System Advantages
On-demand, connect-disconnect power for pump drives
Reduces fuel consumption, CO2, NOx, SOx and other emissions by engaging drives and pumps only when required
Less Maintenance: Extends life of driveline systems, hydraulic oil and components
Reduced ambient noise through intermittent use of pumps and equipment – ideal for workboats and Yachts
Better engine starts: Reduces horsepower draw and cranking power required during machine start-up by disconnecting the hydraulic system from the engine
Cooler running hydraulic systems: Heat is generated whenever oil dumps from high to low pressure without producing work
Easily disconnect the hydraulic pumps from the engine (via clutch) to troubleshoot hydraulics while engine remains in operation
Standard PTO clutches available in B, B-B, C, C-C, D, E and other sizes
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